Ain't That a Pitch?


Ain't That a Pitch? Season 2 Episode 14

Welcome to Ain’t That a Pitch!

Today we welcome Liam Gareau as our guest pitcher. Liam is the host of Tell Me Everything, the podcast where he and his guests get to know each other through discussing aspects of pop culture that mean the most to them. Are there movies you've seen that you can't stop talking about? Are there songs you've listened to that you've felt transformed by? Borrowing a page from Liam’s podcast, we get things started today with an exciting chat about the films, historical moments in time and occasional slaps shared between celebrities that mean the most to us here at ATAP.

Liam then hits a massive home run with his first pitch for a grocery store designed specifically for single people only. The working title for a super market that supplies unattached patrons with a more feasible and manageable supply of sustenance and goods is currently Singles, while some think we should throw caution to the wind and go with Singlez (note the super cool use of the letter Z). Either way,  we all quickly fall in love with Liam (some quicker than others) while having an absolute blast brainstorming this awesome idea.

"If you don’t find love, we hope you find Singlez!"

Updates, a few shout-outs to Dr. Pissstain and MORE help round out this fun filled episode. PS… Lizette uses her jackhammer a few times during the show. Sorry ‘bout that.

Special thanks to Liam Gareau for his time, great ideas and all the laughs. We most definitely can't wait to have you back on ATAP soon. Also, please be sure to check out his podcast Tell Me Everything everywhere you get your hot podcast action.

To air any grievances, share an idea of your own or to simply say hello please contact us at

Thank you so much.
